Donny Tesso is a veteran bassist of 45 years bringing a wealth of bassology. You can find Donny teaching, touring, recording, composing and playing live almost any day. Known for his versatility in the great southwest USA, is quickly bringing his skills to the world. Currently the bassist for new jazz sensation trumpeter Ryan Montano, Donny has also worked and toured with many other regional and national acts from Country and Latin artists to R&B artists. A devout groover but also know for his tone and attack. Donny credits his latest tone tool as the Nordstrand NJ5’s. Citing that he believes the NJ5’s are ‘burnt in” and the results are huge tone yet dynamic in response. A must for any serious J style 5 string bassist looking for a tone improvement according to Donny.
Donny uses Nordstrand NJ5S pickups.